Saturday, October 5, 2013

Book Review: Insight (The Insight Series) by Jamie Magee

Book Title:  Insight (The Insight Series)
Book Author:  Jamie Magee
Genre: Sci-Fi

Quite an interesting take on what people see, or...  what they don't see.

As the name of the book indicates, Insight is that little peek into anything - another person, another place, another time.  Is it a dream?  Is it real?  

This book grabs you right at the beginning.  You immediately have feelings that you can identify with, and as the story progresses, the twists and turns throw your for a head spin. The characters are perfectly written so that you can "see" right away what the characters themselves are explaining to others as they go along.  

The antagonist of this story will give us a nice momentum through the series.  This book gives us a glimpse at that, but does more explaining and getting to know characters and forge relationships than it does to really make the guy seem like he's intimating to the point that he's explained to be.  

Looking forward to more!

4 out of 5 Bookmarks