Book Title: Renegade (Book 3 in the Ministry of Paranormal Research and Defence)
Author: Andrew Chapman
Genre: Paranormal/Sci-Fi/Action
Because of the previous books, I will state : SPOILER ALERT!!!
This is the third installment in the series about Vampires, Werewolves, Black Ops, Defunct Politics and the list goes on.
I've been waiting for a while for this installment, and Andrew didn't fail to deliver! Our protagonist, Jack "Pagan", has taken an actual vacation from the ministry. He and his Mate, Marie are truly enjoying themselves. But something terrible happens that ensures that Jack will definitely be spilling some Vampire Blood.
As usual, Jack and his armaments are quite fond of each other, so we get lots of information about what he's using and how it's being used. We also see what happens, when Jack loves unconditionally.
The story ends up coming to the USA from Great Britain, leaving Jack with no authority of any kind. From there we're kept at a fast pace with lots of great detail about where and who we're meeting. Why we're there and who exactly is in charge of trying to do the nefarious things the Vampires are doing.
Andrew has written this book from a duel view. Usually the books are from Jack's point of view. This is written from both Jack and Marie's point of view. Therefore, we're flipping back and forth, and it was quite refreshing to hear Marie's thoughts. It was easy to keep up and understand more about werewolf pack politics. Along with the beliefs of the people in the USA vs those over the pond.
The story flows freely, as does Jack's anger, which is usually kept in check. But this, is personal. However, Andrew has done it yet again.. I'm left at the end feeling like there should be more...
I bought the book the minute it was available and had it finished the next morning. I've read it twice already, and the ending.. UGH. I hope we're not left hanging for a long time, or Jack might die.. and no one would ever know. (laugh)
Great book for the series and I look forward to many more! I wish it was longer though.
4 out of 5 bookmarks