Monday, January 27, 2014

New Year!

I hope you all had a wonderful Holiday Season!  I took the end of November off to enjoy my family and December was surgery month for me!  If any of you suffer from Chronic Back/Neck pain (I have a cage at L4-L5 and a fusion that didn't take all the way at L5-S1) and medications aren't helping it all the way, perhaps what I have had newly installed would help you!  Otherwise, I won't get into the "guts" of the deal, let's get on with some reviews!

Book Title: NOS4A2
Author: Joe Hill
Genre: Horror/Mystery

This Christmas themed thrill ride surprised the heck out of me!  As I read it, I kept thinking of other people I could share this book with who love horror and mystery scary things like I do.  Not that you'd get that from the books I've reviewed thus far, but I really do like a good scare.  This book took it to a "oh my gosh" level.

Children...  they always love Christmas.  So, this story begins NOT at Christmas.  But it spans through time..LOTS of it.  By the title of the book, I assumed this was going to be a "devil" to read. (Yes, pun intended.)  As I read through the book, yes the "bad guy" is bad, and there's definitely some "supernatural" stuff about him.  But we're wondering if he's the "devil".  Which is great, because the twists, turns, dancing, laughing, tears, screams, blood, death....  the ride we take is out of this world!  This book is definitely an adult thrill ride.

Of course, as per the pedigree of *all* horror stories...  There's always that one person or thing at the end, that leaves you wondering..."Is it really all over?"  But to get to *that* part, you'll have to read through the story of manipulations, murder, mayhem, scary looking kids, and kids not so scary but scared.  This my friends, is a definite must read, if you're into the scary side of book-ville!

4 out of 5 Bookmarks

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