Book Title: The Bite That Binds (The Deep In Your Veins Series)
Author: Suzanne Wright
Genre: Sci-Fi/Paranormal/ADULT
The war is over. Jared, being The Heir, as well as Co-Commander of a Legion of the best army of vampires, has decided to change his ways and in a move so uncharacteristic of him, laid a claim, loudly, visually and without regard to the outcome. Even if he can no longer be The Heir to the "vampire throne". All for the love he never thought he could never feel for someone.
She took him by surprise. Never before did someone NOT fall at his feet, begging to be "The Heir's Consort". Never before has his authority been questioned. Never before has he gotten so angry, yet so excited in the same breath. Never before was he so scared to loose anyone as much as his brother, or Antonio. All he can think about, is her.
Sam doesn't take much. She's a born fighter. She had to be, in order to survive, let alone become a member of the Legion, and now, prove she is worthy of a love like she's found, because she's a Svente, the weakest vampire in the vampire world. Regardless of her standing within the Legion or even with the Grand High Vampire, Antonio, she must fight and claw to constantly prove she's worthy to go through a binding ceremony to a vampire of higher status.
Dreams... Sam keeps having the same dreams... over and over again. Waking up in her living room. She's informed there is a Svente gift known as "dream walking", and because of who she is, someone may be reaching out to her for help. The Legion Squad she Co-Commands is sent to investigate, and yes, something is terribly wrong. Vampires are being used as medical experiments. The squad gets in, and talks to the Svente who sent for Sam. Then, while fighting Sam is hit, and someone says, "You'll be glad we did it." And they leave. Just when Sam needs her gifts the most, they go on the blink. No one is sure what they did to Sam. All Sam knows, is it hurt.
There are other stories going on as well... Suzanne Wright has added to her first book, "He Be Sexist Vampires", and expounded on what she's already created and made it better than it was. Impressive. The first book had me happy at the ending, this book had me feeling fear, anger, happiness. I laughed, I cried... and it takes a damn good author to take you through a story and make you FEEL what the characters are feeling. To be able to write so well that you're literally in the room watching and feeling the density of the air with the characters.
Sam is an extraordinary character, and I can't wait to read more about her exploits! Write on Suzanne, WRITE ON!!!
5 out of 5 Bookmarks
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