Book Title: Renegade (The Devoncroix Dynasty)
Author: Donna Boyd
Genre: Sci-Fi/Paranormal
What a different read! I was explaining the back-story of the plot to my husband when the "oh please not another werewolf or vampire story" look came across his face once the word "werewolf" escaped my lips.
But, as I went on his interest was piqued. (That or his back hurt him from adding some stuff to our deck!) When I told him about twists and turns that this book was taking, along with the back-story, I got to the ending and the one thing slapping ME in the face was "always treat others like you'd like to be treated." He just smiled and said, "I'm glad you like your books dear." MEN.
The premise for the werewolves is also a "out-of-the-box" thought process. Actually making you second guess some things as actually plausible. This author takes us all over the world through time, giving an account of the species. Explaining how historically werewolves have impacted human life. The way the author has intertwined history into this book was outstanding. The characters are very cool as well. I loved the way it was told through the eyes of someone that was not normally accepted into the world the werewolves made for themselves.
I also really like when someone can throw actual historic occurrences into a book flawlessly incorporating them into their own fictionalized story, making for a more believable work of fiction. This shows, to me, how well thought out the author is, before even writing the first word.
I really enjoyed this book and at the end hoped there was more... that's why I love the word "series".
4.5 out of 5 Bookmarks
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