Monday, June 11, 2012

What is Knick-knack-BOOK about?

I have read over 70 books in the last 3 months by Independent Authors.  The writing is great, for the most part.  However, at least 85% of the books I've read have left me scratching my head and asking, "Where was the editor?  Did no one proof read this thing?".  So, I thought I would offer my services as a proof reader/editor.  I purchase my reading material from Amazon, solely for my Kindle (Touch and Fire).  They allow me to make notes when I find spelling errors, words repeated or left out, continuity problems, etc.  These notes made, can then be shared.  I'm not only a stickler for spelling and grammar, but I guess you could call it a pet peeve when I read a book, I get to the end and have to ask myself what on Earth the plot was!  I've recently read one like that, so believe me, it DOES and WILL happen.  Someone, at some point, after having a couple great books under their belt, wrote something that was more like a porn novella and the plot was..  I *think* nothing but a threesome.  After the Heroine and the Hero(s) had such great story lines in the series (I, to this day cannot find 1 of the books in the series leading to this particular book.  I believe it may have been overlooked.) I get the let down of a lifetime,  because I'm reading no plot, no character growth, just sex.  I was sorely disappointed I wasted my money on that!  I actually felt like it was one of those write in to Hustler or something.  So, here I am, offering what I can to those that need it. 

I would also like to review the books that I read here.  I try to review the books I read on Amazon, where I purchase them.  However, I don't know who the people are that are actually writing their reviews there, but when they do, they're ruining the whole reason for BUYING the book in the first place.  Why?  In their review, they completely re-tell or summarize the story, inserting their "review" within the context of their summary.  That's not what a review is kids.  A review is, simply put, when you read the book, and GIVE YOUR HONEST AND UNBIASED OPINION about the story, the character development, the plot, the twists and turns to get to the outcome that will either become the end of the book, or the cliff hanger for a series.  No one wants your summary of what you just read!  The whole reason you read a review is to either encourage or discourage others from reading the same book.  Was it worth the money for you?  Would you recommend it to your friends?  Would this be a book you would want to re-read again in the future?  PLEASE don't tell me the ENDING!!!  I can't tell you how many books I DID NOT BUY, because a reviewer summarized it for me, and then gave their opinion.  If it's not in the "Details" when you're looking to buy the book and you're trying to figure out if this plot is something you're interested in so you will PURCHASE the book, then by all means, leave THAT in your review.  NOTHING ELSE!  Wow..  I'll jump off my soap box on that one!

What qualifies me to help you proof read or edit your book?  I have an eye for details.  I wrote for school newspapers, I proof read all my husbands papers while he was studying for his Masters Degree.  I Home Schooled my children for a short time.  Also in my medical training as a Medical Assistant and while in Culinary Arts School (I mean, a girl can change her mind, right?)  ;)  it was imperative that I follow and/or kept exquisite records that are neat, easily explainable and properly done.  Spelling, grammar, inconsistencies and continuity are imperative in all these areas. And let's face it friends, some things can't be fixed by word check or grammar check, plain and simple.  Not to mention, I've been an avid reader since I learned how to read and I've worked in my church as the librarian! 

What kind of books do I enjoy to read?  I have quite eclectic tastes actually.  I love historically based fiction, paranormal fiction, psychological fiction; As long as a book can grab me in the first chapter and keep me interested and wanting more by the time I get to the end, then I'm a happy reader!  I like Theological studies that are not biased and full of dogma. I like honest facts, not opinions.  I'm also a Sci-Fi fan, more of the "Trekkie" genre than anything else.  However, if you don't classify yourself as the above that does not mean I won't like your book!  When my children were younger, in fact right at the age Harry Potter was in the first HP book, I started having "family reading night" where EVERYONE (yes, that included dad!) would sit down and listen to me read aloud to them.  It was something they all looked forward to.  Unfortunately, has HP grew, so did my girls, and boys and school and jobs came, and family reading night didn't happen much.  And that's okay, because from that, all my children became lovers of books!  Never wanting to stop, always looking for the next great book.  So, just because I haven't listed it as a "like" or you can't classify your writings into ONE or even THREE genres, that's okay!  You'd be surprised at what catches my fancy.  And please...  I am no prude.  The book I mentioned above about the threesome, didn't bother me because of the sexual acts or the in depth descriptions of the acts themselves, that's part of reading in the genre I read, my problem was with the lack of plot and character development and the FACT that the author had already made it known that one of the characters involved was extremely jealous and possessive.  Therefore the acts that occurred were totally OUT of character.  This is where continuity plays a big role.

Do I charge for my services?  This is negotiable at this point.  Why?  Because I love to read.  However, if you're just starting out, I'm not going to take advantage of you, because you're new to writing.  There are so many people out there who would charge up to .30 per word, and if you've written quite a novel, well, you get my point.  So, we can talk about this and build a relationship and go from there!

Now...  as I pointed out I will post reviews here about books I've read.  I like series, as they keep me involved with characters that, if the Author is good at character development, I've come to care about and want to see what happens to them.  Then I have books that I'm interested in and and have yet to hear from the author again.  Quite disappointing.  So... 

Where can you find me?  I'm on Facebook and will post my review THERE and HERE on my blog.  So, from that you'll get quite a few people seeing your name and your book.  On Facebook, you can find me under Melisa S Jensen Rechenmacher.  My email address is  From FB you can also find me on SKYPE where I talk to my granddaughters a lot!

Watch for my reviews and any new books I'm grabbing up and sharing with you!  Enjoy your day!

M (6-11-2012)

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