Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Book Review of "The Awakened" Trilogy by Jason Tesar

Book Title:  The Awakened, parts 1-3
Author:  Jason Tesar
Genre:  Sci-Fi, Fantasy 

I got this book series on a whim.  The first book in the series was a "freebie" from Pixels of Ink.  There are three books in this series but I don't understand why they were separated instead of put into one fantastic novel.  But that's simply semantics to me.  Instead of reviewing each book though, (parts 1-2-3) I will simply review the trilogy as a whole.

As you've seen in the blogs before, I love my fantastical paranormal fictions.  This is different slightly, as most good ones are. This begins with actual scripture quoting the Christian Bible, then the story begins.  I didn't understand why this was at the beginning of each book until the end of the trilogy, when it's purpose is revealed and a another series is announced that starts at the beginning of the prophecy, a prequel of sorts.

The narrative in the books confused me at times, as we switch from husband to wife, to child, to mentor and as the trilogy is worked forward, we have telepathy.  The telepathy portions confused me because at points, I had no idea who was talking, the hero or the villains.

The character development for the main characters is good, not great.  The main character, Kael, was obviously well researched and thought out.  His trials and tribulations lead you to root for him as he was going through the trials in his life.  The problem with it was that the good times in his life were just too short, which in a sense, makes you want him to win even more.  It left me a little depressed for him though.

His mother, the second main character, Maeryn, also sees trials in her life.  I think the author wanted to show her as a woman who was pampered her while life, then thrust into a sudden change where she had to become someone she didn't even know existed within herself.  Who was strong of will and heart.  However, the transition from pampered to strong seemed forced in a short period of time, whereas the story gave us "months" where she should/could have been preparing for what changes in her life would transpire.

Sabe, the third main character, was well written and his mysterious life as well as his origins and age are timed well.  I think this character was the best!  Probably because his back story is our prequel!  

The story plot, sub-plots, etc., were okay as I was reading it.  Obviously I enjoyed it and it prompted me to get each book in the series, and yes, I've gotten the first one in the prequel.  It took me a while after I had put the last book down, finished, and had time to think about the story, before I "GOT IT!".  I knew what the author intended to convey to his reader through the story.  It's like one of those movies with the saying "the more you watch, the more you see".  The more I thought about the characters and the story the more I "saw" and said "interesting".

We obviously have a cliffhanger at the end of our trilogy, as our author has at least two spin offs to this series in the works.

I was left wondering about one charter, in particular, ADAIR, husband of Maeryn and Kael's father, who goes missing.  Where he went, how, why...  none of this is addressed.  ALL of Adair's story, which obviously intertwines with Kael's, is missing!  To have some ideas other than what was given, which was VERY vague, would have been an idea that makes me more interested to find out where he went rather than being left to believe... okay... that's the end of him!  Now, I'm just assuming he's in the spin-off.

On the whole I liked this series, otherwise I wouldn't have continued reading it.  It's interesting enough with enough realism to put it into the "anything is possible" category, and I really like that idea... just to let your imagination do all the work and enter into a new world of strange places and different species...to boldly go where no one has gone before.

Sorry about that... misquoting Star Trek and all... but there are publication issues ya know.  LOL .  :)

3 Bookmarks out of 5


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