Book Title: A Night of Secrets - The Night Series
Author: Lori Brighton
Genre: Adult Paranormal Romance
This book is set in 1855, where we met Meg James, a Vicar's oldest daughter. She has a bit of an adventurous evening which leads to saving and adopting a young girl.
As sometimes happens, growing up with the father she has, and no mother, she became the de facto mothering figure, and raises her younger sisters, while the Vicar serves his community, and they are ultimately poor because of the profession. As they've moved out of the city to the country, they are given a small place of residence, so her father can fulfill his duties, but they become the butt of town jokes due to her father's drinking issues. However, all the girls are loving, giving, selfless, and pious because of Meg. But Meg notices, ever since adopting "Hanna", trouble has followed them, which led to father's drinking.
In comes one Grayson Bellamont. A well off former military man who fought for London on the new continent. His parents and sister have been murdered and his niece is come of age where bad things will happen if he can't find her. Being encouraged by his brother-in-law, his niece's father, to find his lost daughter "Collette", IF she's still alive.
I loved the sexual tension shared between the two main characters a well as the fact that even though meg is poor, she's educated, witty, loyal to a fault and strikingly beautiful.
I adored that Grayson, who after the murders of his entire family, tried to turn his emotions "off", sending mixed signals as they say, rather than Meg doing so, which is usually the standard for a period piece such as this.
These characters are fun, and to watch the relationship bounce all over the place is so original! As is the Paranormal part of it! Being a series, I can't wait to read more!
Unfortunately there were a few editing errors in the form of wrong wording, almost like spell check changed it and no one caught it. As well as some punctuation issues, but it didn't detract from the story. A definite SHARE!
4 out of 5 Bookmarks
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