Title: Muse
Author: Susie M Hanley
Genre: Paranormal
WOW! Yet again, another freebie that I am SO glad I downloaded! I'm finding quite a nice little treasure trove of new authors out there now that I can get introduced to them so much easier! (And to think I was complaining about not having an actual "book" and the tactical feel of it. This e-book era is nice... OK, I finally admit it!)
The summary is what grabbed me. The writing kept me hooked! I finished it in less than two days, immediately went looking for the next book, found Ms. Hanley on Facebook and begged for information on the release of it!
What a unique, fun, captivating read! We start each chapter learning about what a "muse" is as well as a "guardian" using quotes from non-fictional authors of antiquity to a fictional group of manuals and encyclopedias that the muses and guardians use as rules. This is so helpful when reading.
The characters are truly likeable, even believable. A young mom, whose husband just up and leaves her one day. She's trying to do the best she can and trying to sell her beautiful, insightful paintings. Then, as she's revealing one of her paintings to a client, something happens and she is surprised to find that she, of all things, is a muse. She dislikes guardians with a passion. But a guardian is the one who helped her, and he doesn't "guard" anyone so he's no "normal" guardian.
If I say more I won't be able to stop and I'll give the whole plot and storyline away! It's just that dang good! Believe me though when I tell you, this is so worth your time!!! It's fast paced, funny, scary, intriguing, and the ending leaves you with your mouth hanging open, cursing because it's over and you have to wait for the next one! AARRGGHH!!!
Get ready people, here's a first on my blog; Congratulations Susie M Hanley, you're the first to receive...
5 out of 5 bookmarks!
This book is now available for your Kindle as well as bookstores! GET IT BEFORE THE NEXT ONE COMES OUT!!!
Its one of my favorite books! Eagerly anticipating the next