Book Title: The Earl's Inconvenient Wife (The Regency Collection)
Author: Ruth Ann Nordin
Genre: Historical Romance
The setting is the late 1800's in London during "Season" where eligible gentlemen and young women with dowry's and parents who would like to marry "up" socially, go from Ball to Ball trying to find a spouse.
After getting into the first few pages I thought this would be a fun, fast, time period read. I was wrong.
The author moves our characters and their story along at a snails pace. Then one day a character just up and decides he's been an idiot and he's going to change his ways.
There are other characters who seem quite superfluous. I understand this is a "collection" and to find out what happens to some characters you need to read MORE of the collection. However, at the rate this book moved, I'll fall asleep getting there!
The characters perplex me. It's almost as if they're Bipolar (and I can say that with a clear conscious as *I* am Bipolar!). The secondary characters start out fun and enticing, but nothing ever comes of them.
I've read much better period time pieces.
2 out of 5 Bookmarks
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