Book Title: The Vampire Princesses (Dying of the Dark Vampires Series)
Author: Aiden James
Genre: Paranormal/Sci-fi/Mystery
We have our journal type entries beginning again, almost where the last book leaves off. Our heroine is bringing us up to speed on what's happened since her last "entry".
There are many more anxious moments in this book, as we are introduced to someone who is related to our heroine yet has been virtually been kept a prisoner, kept apart from the world, basically to keep her safe. Her twin sister was killed, and therefore her parents wanted to protect her. She is, however, a distant relative to our heroine, and therefore has the same enemy now.
Our characters are growing more, as the story becomes more intricate and fast paced. The antagonist is now using his growing "army" to over-come the few "civilized vampires" that remain loyal to their lifestyle so they do not become "Chupacabras". (In this series a Chupacabra is a Vampire who digresses to a more feral state in mentality and visually. Looking like a degraded human/vampire, with skin falling off, hair missing, etc. Almost zombie-ish.) The "Civilized Vampires" do not kill or feed in the usual way. They use our heroine and her blood line to stay looking the way they do, and therefore, they do not kill them. It is a symbiotic relationship.
We are meeting new and different vampires now, and we're also getting to know our antagonist and what he'll go through to kill the remainder of the people and vampires that are keeping him from ruling the world and from his physical degradation. People are now being used against our Heroine, and it's breaking her heart. People are also proving to her in so many ways that they are willing to die for her, to keep the bloodline safe.
As this series goes on, it's becoming more and more fast paced, thrilling and on the edge of your seat, FUN! It took me a while to get where I am with this series, but I'm so glad I stuck with it. I'm really loving it! I think you will too
4 out of 5 Bookmarks
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