Sunday, March 3, 2013

Book Review: The Templar Concordat by Terrence O'Brien

Book Title:  The Templar Concordat
Author:  Terrence O'Brien
Genre: Psychological Thriller/Mystery/Theology

Were the Knights Templar really destroyed on that fateful Friday the 13th?  Would they still be willing to do the Pope's bidding if they were?

This book takes historical truths and weaves a story into them making for a believable, Islam verses The World scenario.

Characters are visible as the author describes them and their mannerisms.  From when, in history with "The Mad Pope" up to the modern era, you are introduced to different Knights, if they exist.  ;)

Imagine a Concordat between the Pope and a group of supposedly non-existent, EXTINCT at the hands of a POPE, Knights Templar.  Can you dream of the possibilities?  This isn't a Dan Brown type novel, I think it's BETTER!  Though I found several typos, this would make one helluva movie franchise!

This fast paced, theologically based page turner, keeps you guessing.  And you are left wondering..  Are they still around?

5 out of 5 Bookmarks!

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