Sunday, March 3, 2013

Book Review: Mark of the Witch - Boston Witches Book 1 by Jessica Gibson

Book Title:  Mark of the Witch - Boston Witches Book 1
Author:  Jessica Gibson
Genre:  Paranormal/Thriller

A set of twins, knowing that at a certain age they'll come into their witch powers.  One excited, one doesn't want to acknowledge it.  The excited one leaves the room with her mother while the other feigns sleeping the night they feel their powers coming in.  Their sibling relationship is never the same.

Being the first book in the series, we get a lot of back stories for the major characters.  There is some unique thoughts to a few of them.

The plot is interesting but I kept waiting for something more, that never seemed to come.

The ending was really quite anti-climactic as the evil person was built up, yet became a scared psychopath who ran away.

The love story was always a stop and go, slight tension, then gone.  I hope the rest of the series gets better.

2.5 Out of 5 Bookmarks

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