Book Title: Skinwalkers - Bad Moon Rising, Book 1 of 3
Author: Lorraine Kennedy
Genre: Mystery/Romance/Paranormal
A young woman named Mya is given a summer job by her uncle who is a Detective on a Navajo Reservation in Arizona, following her chosen career path of law enforcement.
The world of Navajo belief/superstition mixed with unexplainable homicides, leads to Mya meeting individuals whose belief in the stories, traditions and superstitions make her second guess her more "down to Earth and realistic" Wisconsin beliefs. That is until she falls in love with the one person she shouldn't.
Enter David Bray, with secrets and traditions of his own that are not only his but the life blood of his people who are dependent upon them and him.
We have all the workings of a great plot. The characters are interesting and engaging but the secondary characters leave you wishing a more in depth story had used them in a wiser manner, however I think the reason it's written the way it is, pertains to the upcoming volumes in this trilogy.
Lots of missing words, misspelled words and punctuation errors, effecting the story at times. I've come to the conclusion though that perhaps Ms. Kennedy means to make these errors. After all... how else to make sure someone is paying attention to the words you so lovingly spent hours of your life weaving a story into? But I stand by my guns on the missing words and misspelled words. After all the books I've read by Ms. Kennedy, we should be past those errors by now.
I liked this story so much, I started the second book already.. So...
3 out of 5 Bookmarks
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