Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Book Review: To Evil Comes a Daughter

Book Title:  To Evil Comes a Daughter
Author:  Allen Caraway
Genre: Mystery/Paranormal

This wasn't as much paranormal as it was a murder mystery.  The author is very descriptive about the surroundings, actually making them sound more like the real thing. (In fact, I'd believe if they were!)

The main character is a likeable car magazine writer from the UK.  I have a feeling our author is also from the UK, as there are lots of sentences/words used that aren't used in America the way the author has used them.  At times, concerning the main character, you'd expect him to order "a pint" at a local "pub" (AKA Dive Bar) but you wouldn't expect Montana cops to say "Okay.  Right, you're free to go."  

The chapters are written, for lack of a better description, "strangely".  You'll start "Chapter 12" get two pages in and a large space, then a number "1".  Then additional writing.  It's obviously part of "Chapter 12" but why are we giving the chapter "sub-numbers"?  It's like we're looking at acts in a play instead of a book.

We come to the "paranormal" part of the book...  it seems we have a murdered spirit.  Which in and of itself is fine, given this is a paranormal mystery.  Nothing makes me lose faith in an author's ability to explain the "how's" or "why's" of paranormal activity or the ability of those who perceive it, then to mention by name a television show and the "ghost psychic" or "sensitive", or "wiccan" or whoever, by name, and the character that does this just seems to automatically befriend the main character.  After a weekend of knowing him (that's just TWO days!), they're like best friends.

So, as the book starts = strong characters and good mystery.  By the end, the characters, storyline and climax just left me feeling "eh".  Not a great book, but not quite worth paying for it either.  Glad it was a freebie.

2 out of 5 Bookmarks

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