Book Title: Tears of the Vampire - Book 4 in the Immortal Destiny Series
Author: Lorraine Kennedy
Genre: Paranormal/Mystery/Romance
We've met two sisters and a hybrid cousin turned vampire by a psychotic vampire bent on revenge, then says he's in love. Summer's hero, Anton, saves her, leaves his priesthood of the Zen Brotherhood in the werewolf clan of The Vilka to be with her. (Still with me?)
Now we meet the third sister, the youngest immortal sister of the prophecy, Kathrina.
This story has some sporadic writing, lack of proofreading that has plagued the WHOLE series, and gets REALLY confusing at times.
Ms. Kennedy's idea for a story is good, but she needs to work on getting her ideas to written form much better. She also needs to stop relying on grammar check and spell check and invest in a good Copy Editor or at least a good proofreader or two!
Descriptions are very watered-down as we get to the third and fourth books. The same words are used over and over again. (Thesaurus anyone?) The way people fall in love, same way, over and over again. Some characters are completely left out and then given an excuse as an afterthought that just happens to tie in to the rest of return. The sisters are to rely on each other and the first two showed a developing friendship while the youngest was left to flounder by herself until the author remembered the older sisters and the crux of the story that they were to rely on each other!
The original attack they supposedly were to get ready for only warranted about three pages. Another fight with someone worse lasts three paragraphs and now the world is all but saved and everyone ignores the youngest sister again. REALLY?!?!
Don't forget we have an eighteen year old who is supposedly half wolf half vampire and somewhere in there is a part angel who can wield the sword of the Archangel Michael and is supposedly immortal by birth, when the 18 year old asks the oldest vampire alive to turn her, so she can spend eternity with him (the "part" angel)?! SHE'S ALREADY IMMORTAL AND CRAVES BLOOD!!
Ms. Kennedy doesn't seem to know her characters... Perhaps a crib sheet next round?
This series, for me, is not something I'd recommend. After getting to the anti-climactic end and quite confusing characters, it's simply a waste of time and brain cells not to mention MONEY.
2 out of 5 Bookmarks The ENTIRE series warrants 2 out of 5 Bookmarks!
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