Book Title: The Rozabal Line
Author: Ashwin Sanghi
Genre: Theological/Thriller/Mystery
After completing this book, first and foremost I must say "WOW!". The amount of research it took to make this book is mind boggling.
The book does get very detailed, so I wouldn't read this while you're going to sleep you'll end up re-reading from the night before because you really have to pay attention to EVERYTHING. We've got all kinds of clandestine groups in this book from Opus Dei to the Knights Templar and the predictions of Nostradamus!
I find the catalyst for the story, Vincent Sinclair, to be a weak character. All the other characters seem thought out and have more substance, whereas Vincent seems to start out strong and then flounders along without bite. The second character that completely confuses me is Swakilki, a female assassin. By the end of the book, she's not explained why she's completely done a 180 degree turn from where she started out.
The intrigue, the murdering, the terrorist attacks and the fact that it all boils down to one thing, is worth the read. If you loved Dan Brown's books that were recently made into movies then roll them into one and add a few twists (or a lot of twists!) and turns, and you'll be on a joy ride of reading!
4.8 out of 5 Bookmarks
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