Book Title: The Vampire's Last Lover (Dying of the Dark Vampire Series)
Author: Aiden James
Genre: Paranormal/Sci-Fi
Interesting Book. The setting is a college campus, the main character is a young woman with a strange birthmark on her neck.
We have "Chupacabras" and civilized vampires, who are vying for one person and her death, or life. The Vampire characters are a different take on the "vampire" however, there's still some cliche's like in coffins (really?). Who would have thought, that vampires would actually have someone to fear?
The author has written this book in the first person, as journal entries. But in this outing you can tell that the author is a male. There's just a lack of "knowledge" there as our female character, who is quite well-spoken otherwise, simply and vaguely, describes her feelings of sexual desire and the act of making love.
When describing men's behavior it's kinda cliche too.
The plot is interesting and a new spin I haven't read before. I think the target audience of the 20-something's will really like the way the story is told. Once you have read this book, you're set up for the other books in the series. This book's purpose is more or less introducing you to the characters, giving their back-stories, explaining their lives and the plot of the story itself. By the time you've finished that, you're done, and on to the second book in the series. This wasn't as great as it could have been, but stick with the series and I think you'll see it get a little better.
2.5 out of 5 Bookmarks
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