Sunday, March 24, 2013

Book Review: The Vampire's Birthright by Aiden James

Book Title: The Vampire's Birthright (Dying of the Dark Vampires Series)
Author:  Aiden James
Genre:  Paranormal/Mystery

This book leaves off where the last ended, as journal entries, and answers some unanswered questions from the last book, but also gives you more questions that need answering.  The "bad" vampires are multiplying quickly and they are trying desperately to win, which would leave humanity as a slave species and food source.

This time, the author is much more descriptive about the feelings that our heroine has, though I think her friend, "Tyreen" is a little "typecast" as the "sassy African-American" friend.

We also have more emotions shown and explained much better by the other characters in the book, though sometimes they aren't really what you would expect them to be, which is nice.  We also learn that the world this author has perceived for his vampires is a little different, sometimes for the good, and sometimes for the bad.

The story moves along well, and the plot is interesting.  I also find it interesting that the "bad" vampire can find our heroine at her college quite easily, and kills without regard, but her family in a different state as been left completely alone and not used against her.  Leaves me to guess as to when or if that will happen, which engages the readers imagination.  Aiden James' world of vampires and their survivability as "civilized" or not, is interesting.

3 out of 5 Bookmarks

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